根据此项原则,法官针对具体的案件事实,通过应用法律原则,增进法律系统的完善。因而在同一法院组织架构内,法官仅仅被要求应用较高级法院作出判定的判决理由(ratio decidendi or the operative reason for the decision)。 高级法院在判决中作出的附带意见(obiter dicta),若并不直接影响案件结果,则有可能不被下级法院遵守。
ratio decidendi=binding,must hv to follow obiter dicta=merely persuasive,not really hv to follow
然后contract合约有分3种 -domestic 没有金钱交流的(比如说跟家人之间的约定,类似我帮弟弟打包食物,他给我酬劳RM2 like tat xD) 这个是 not binding的
-commercial 就是生意的,这个是binding的
-social networking 就是网络社交咯 ,not binding
啊 我昨天学到一个 确立先例的规则(Establishing the Rule of a Precedent)-Donoghue v Stevenson my lecturer got told us the story about tiz =) 跟大家分享一下小故事
*copy n paste* 斯通用多纳休诉史蒂文森案(Donoghue v. Sstevenson)6来论证他的观点,该案发生在英国,非常有名。原告的一位朋友从一个咖啡厅给原告买了一瓶姜啤。啤酒瓶是不透明的。原告喝了几口后,发现瓶子里居然有一条腐烂的蛇。她被吓了个半死,还患上了严重的肠炎。于是她起诉制造商,获得胜诉。在多纳休案之前,因过失制造缺陷产品的制造商一般只对产品的直接购买者承担法律责任。很明显在多纳休案中,法院废除了这项规则。因为尽管原告不是产品的直接购买者,但法院仍裁定制造商应承担法律责任。然而,正如斯通指出的,依据古德哈特的理论,审理多纳休案的法院采纳的规则含糊不清,因为案件中各种重要事实可以归属于不同的概括层次。就拿此案中造成伤害的载体来说,它可以被归入不同的概括层次:一个装姜啤的不透明的瓶子,一个不透明的饮料瓶,一个饮料瓶,一个内装用于满足人们消费的动产的容器,一件容器或者一个东西。被告也可以被归入许多层次:一个向全国配送货物的制造商,一个制造商,一个以营利为目的经营货物的人或一个经营货物的人。伤害可以分为身体伤害,身体伤害或精神伤害,或伤害。因此,依据古德哈特的理论,多纳休案几乎可以代表通过对案件重要事实进行不同概括层次的排列组合而建立起来的无数项规则。例如,有的规则规定:如果一个向全国配送货物的制造商,为了制造满足人们消费的产品,在制造的过程中出现过失,那么该制造商对因此而引起的身体伤害或精神伤害要承担法律责任;还可以有别的规则,内容是:如果一个为了获利而经营货物的人存在过失,而且他在包装货物时隐藏了该产品的缺陷,那么他对因此而引起的身体伤害要承担法律责任。7 尽管古德哈特的理论实质上是一种结果中心的方法,但是它与最低限度方法还是存在着千丝万缕的联系,而且斯通的评论对前后两者均适用。假设审理多纳休案的法院已经宣布了规则,认为如果制造商在制造产品时存在过失,该制造商就要对因产品缺陷所引起的伤害承担法律责任。(除了过失以外,)这条规则的其他因素对案件的判决都不是必须的,因为法院对每个因素都可以进行限制解释。比如,法院可以适用限制性规则得出同样的结论。这个限制性规则是:如果制造商在制造产品时存在过失,那么它就要对因产品缺陷所导致的能合理预见到的身体伤害承担法律责任。或者是适用一条更为狭窄的规则,即一个向全国配送货物的制造商在生产食品时疏忽大意,而在他的包装是合理的检查无法发现产品缺陷,那么该产品给直接消费者或最终消费者造成合理预见的伤害时,制造商就应对此承担法律责任。
about that i had change my blog addres hmph... my friends pls forgive me - -
something annoying me..
This is my blog ♥ and i enjoy blogging.. Da place i share my things ♥ with friends~ Da place of wreak for me~
However.. there oso have anonym always b mindfull of my blog too~ Zzz
If this happen den wil make me fel tat insecure cuz without my permit And they don't even understand wad happen at all =) then help me promote my blog my thing bla bla bla
=( I'm undeserved Ppl whose dunno anything but though they clear on evything den pretend sinka at there Being 8po tat told A wad story after tat go told B wad story den finally bcum whole kampung oso discuss on me
WTF?? So Fun Meh?
Mayb tat's nothing for ur all.. jz though as simple chitchat but hv u all think bout me? Hv think from my position?
Aduiii... stil smal meh? - - Action childish n doing brainless thing at there For wad?
Anyway =) ♥ i oso wanna to thk tat which 8po always b mindfull of my blog thx for ur loyalty to my blog xD
den my mum called me say having breakfast together
its ok.. so i cancel my class n accompany family tdy =)
After finish bath bla bla bla
me n Winson go a cake house bought a fruit cake cost RM30
- - actually i prefer cheese cake one..
but no choice =(
polite term for my family member
cheese is not suit for them
so da onli cake they eat is fruit cake
simple n nice ^^
Mum N Dad I ♥ U Two
After brunch(breakfast+lunch) l0lz XD gg's phrases
den go the focus point cuz i saw advertise at Tv tat focus point got 40% 50% discount wa @@
im focus's customer long time ago
tiz time i gone my spec n i nvr plan go focus buy new 1 again - -
cuz focus's price quite gao for me T.T
since got discount den i jz go take a look
Finally i had chose focus point as the shop i wanna buy spec T.T
T__________T The Bil i think evy1 might wonder tat how cum so expensive izit? sure think tat i bought exclusive spec =(
No No No the spec so high cost cuz mine one is function eyeglass @@ wad function so expensive wow
so lazy explain k na simple describe a while tat function eyeglass can adjust my power back - - oh ya my power both oso 600
OMG 600!!!! both den 1200!!! T____T ya ya tat's the truth
since the power so high so my eyeglass oso hv to make extreme thin =( tat's y tiz price n stil a lot things etc etc =D
pity me dam poor now long time had nvr been so poor gandong T____T cuz sum1 lending me money cherish evything he done wuwuwuwu appreciate tiz frdship thx :)
I love photography.
I love sweet.
I'm notty and like to Kacau xD
I party till dawn,
I shop till dusk.
That's coz...
This is my attitude. Get off of my blog if you dislike me.
leiizღ I belong to myself.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again. I'm imperfect..So? Just let it
I'm the only witness and the only person
person who can judge my life.
I share my day here.
Don't ddly here =)
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.
About Me ♥
An ordinary girl tat enjoy my life now =)
Born in 31-10-1991
Currently Study A-levels Law at BAC
Friendless cuz unfrenly
Try to b more friendly but always no fren
Cherish The Evy Moment With Fren
Do Re Mi I Dislike The Calling Of Laogong Laopo
Prefer Hubby Babe Babi
♥Shopping Sleeping
♥Dance Inside Studi0
♥Watch m0vie Inside Cinema
♥Watch n0vel
♥You Belong With Me
My Half♥
when you're standing here in front of me ♥
Tat's when i know tat god does exist ♥
Cuz he wil hv answered every single prayer ♥
To b with you ♥
Just to b with you ♥
just to b holding you for the very first time ♥
Never letting go~ ♥
If I Changes My Clothes Wil You Notice Me?
Just A Smile And Rain Is Gone ♥
♥Dearest BB♥
♥Buddy Siew x Yan♥
♥Babii Christine♥
They applauded her and gave her a standing ovation.